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Educator Salary

27J Schools' educator compensation system is based on steps and lanes. Teachers and special service providers (certified staff) earn more compensation through their years of supporting students and through additional education.

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Non-Educator Salary

27J Schools' non-educator compensation system depends on the job type. 

Classified Staff

Classified staff positions are determined by FLSA analysis of the position.  Classified positions include secretaries, bus drivers, technicians, paraprofessionals, custodians, et al.   Pay is based on an hourly rate on the 27J classified pay schedule.  Placement is determined by comparing past work experience relevant to the job.   27J accepts up to 18 years of experience at a 2 for 1 ratio.  A candidate with 18 years of relevant experience can be placed at step 10 on the classified salary schedule.

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Exempt Job Types (Administrator/Professional Technical)

Exempt status is determined by position analysis to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).  Positions that may qualify for exempt status include school administrators, directors, managers, accountants, and some technology department positions.   For exempt compensation 27J uses a salary schedule based on ranges.  Positions are placed in ranges by the market analysis of 27J’s compensation consultant every three years.  27J places new hires in the range based on consideration of “like” experience relative to current 27J staff in the same range.     27J uses minimum qualifications from the job description in hiring decisions but does not use qualifications/education for exempt salary placement.

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